Stainless Steel, Illuminated Anoscope & Rigid Sigmoidoscope

Description: These devices were used (and still are today!) to detect cancerous growths, bleeding, inflammation, and other gastroenterologic conditions such as diverticulosis. In particular, the anoscope is a small, rigid tube used to examine the last part of a patient’s colon (anal canal and rectum) by insertion of a camera in the anoscope’s hollow interior (ANOSCOPY). The rigid sigmoidoscop is a slightly longer, rigid tube used to examine a patient’s sigmoid colon (above the anal canal and rectum) by the same technique (RIGID SIGMOIDOSCOPY). Modern procedures continue to include anoscopy and rigid sigmoidoscopy in addition to flexible sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy which are used to reach further portions of the colon.

Origin: Circa 1930s; New York, United States

Manufacturer: Welch Allyn, Inc.

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